AboutFace | US Veteran Laura Wright

Laura Wright
US Veteran | 1984-1997

Laura Wright, who served in the army from 1984-1997, was assaulted by a group of men one day near their base. Her extremely traumatic experience and the lack of adequate response by the army kept her from reaching out to anyone for help for a long time. She was expected to come back to work in four days as if nothing had happened.

After she left the army, she struggled with drug use and repressed pain. She was unable to tell her first husband about her trauma, and it pulled them apart. When her drug use increased, she eventually became homeless and spent time in prison, while her son was with her parents.

When she found the VA’s 30-day program, she began working one-on-one with a Cognitive Behavioral Therapist, which she describes as “life changing,” finally providing her space and tools to understand her experience and release her deeply repressed pain.

She is married again to a man she calls her best friend, and has completely transformed her self image. “I love myself. I love my life.”


AboutFace features videos of Veterans, family members, and clinicians sharing their experiences with PTSD and PTSD treatment. AboutFace provides more information about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, finding support and treatment, and resources for family members.