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Shooting from the Gut Workshop | Dallas Center for Photography

Practice a different style of photography by learning to capture unstructured, abandoned moments in your life. You'll be coached on how to shoot from the gut in an instinctive way.

Dallas Center for Photography
Friday, August 5 – Monday, August 8

4756 Algiers Street, Dallas 75207
Cost: $700

All levels of photographers are welcome to join this workshop; all types of digital cameras are acceptable – from cell phones to the latest DSLR or mirrorless models.

Based on renowned photographer and instructor Ed Kashi’s concept of abandoned moments, students will put this idea into practice in their daily lives or with people and places they encounter on the street. By working quickly, over an intensive four days, you’ll be encouraged and challenged to focus less on an intentional and structured style of photography and shoot from the gut. In some cases, literally, by shooting without your eye to the viewfinder, trusting that what you see can be captured in a compelling way without getting lost in technical thought and concepts. The idea is to let photos tell stories instinctively, not to create order out of chaos but rather to capture the chaos and trust your first reactions. It can be a enjoyable, looser way to shoot.

The workshop will be a mix of a deeper discussion of the origin of Ed’s work, tutorials, photographing, and reviews.

Friday, August 5
We’ll start with a half-day orientation session from 10 am - 3 pm. Students will introduce themselves and hear how Ed developed his “abandoned moments” mentality by viewing examples from his book and street photography work.

Saturday, August 6
9 am - 5 pm: Day of shooting with an image review to get feedback from Ed and your peers.

Sunday, August 7
9 am - 5 pm: Day of shooting with an image review to get feedback from Ed and your peers.

Monday, August 8
9 am - 5 pm: A day of editing and reviewing students’ work, with an emphasis on whether the photos can stand alone or should be part of a sequenced narrative.

This workshop is part of a series of events with Ed, including a lecture, book signing, and gallery exhibition.